What is Corporate wellness? | Corporate Wellness Hong Kong
A lot of companies in Hong Kong thing corporate wellness is a few HR initiatives setup on a weekly basis such as Thursday lunches for Friday night happy hour, sorry to put it to you. Your totally off. If your environment is toxic to begin with a team lunch for some bonding time isn’t gona cut it.
Corporate wellness should be inbuilt into the culture of the company. It’s the company taking initiative from a top down approach committing to employee’s health and wellness. The company decides to takes steps to ensure their employees are well taken care of. Not just physically but mentally and spiritually. In return, employee performance, collaboration and productivity increase. This leads to better business performance. It’s a win win for everyone.
Corporate wellness is a diversity of many elements working together to achieve a single goal. A harmonious, healthy and fruitful ecosystem. A conflicting, incompatible, inharmonious ecosystem is not going to be prosperous nor fruitful.

Companies achieve corporate office wellness by addressing the basics.
Your body needs multiply elements to work optimally,
Air - clean and pure without pollutants. Have you ever heard Olympic runners performing their best while smoking? People need clean air to think and perform well.

Water - not just any water but it needs to be clean, pure with the just the right number of natural minerals. Too much minerals in your water it could be toxic to your body, too little and wouldn’t be of any benefit.
Food - We need food to survive. We are what we eat. If we eat high fat low nutrition food not only will our bodies reflect this so will our minds. Eating well means your body and your mind will perform well. Workplace wellness caterers for special diets and providing healthy nutritious food that feeds the brain.
Environment – your body feels better and your mind works better when you’re in an optimal environment. No one creates big amazing ideas in a dark, noisy, smelly, cramped space. If anything, you will create crappy ideas. You can’t expect great business performance if your employees aren’t given the right tools to perform at their best.
Lets go further than optimal physical elements to achieve corporate wellness
Mind and Body - Your mind and body are connected as one. If your physically fit but mentally toxic your running an uphill battle with dumbbells strapped to each ankle and no safe haven at the top of the mountain. Taking care of your soul and spirit is equally as important as breathing air. If you have a will there is a way. As a company are you implementing policies that are designed to enhance employee mental wellness?
Corporate wellness is important for your health
Depression, chronic stress, anxiety, insomnia, drug and alcohol abuse are all linked to poor working conditions and high stress environments. Absenteeism, sick leave, medical insurance, medical compensation all affect your bottom line. Taking proactive steps to implement workplace wellness will stave away mental and physical health conditions. Companies truly are in a long term relationship with their employees. Prevention is better then a cure if you want a long and happy marriage.
Corporate wellness is Creating a place that is healthy and promotes wellness physically and mentally for your employees. Giving them the tools and the optimal environment to do what they do best. Letting them know your committed to their wellness. Take care of your employees and they will help your company flourish. Its simple maths really.
For more information on how your environment effects your workplace wellness and performance click here
Partner with Livevexia
We are specialists in workplace wellness. Livevexia will help your company achieve the globally recognised WELL certification. Join industrial leaders such as CBRE, JLL, Westpac, Cook Medical, Point 72, Goldman sachs and Ernst and Young to go beyond what is expected.